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Is High Conflict Parenting Like Battling a Hurricane?

by: Janet Price How 80 + mph High Winds are Like High Conflict People! The parallels between High Windstorms and High Conflict Personality Types I have lived in enough geographic areas to have experienced gorgeous sunny days, low-key rainy days, freak lightning storms, to dangerous sleet, snow, floods, crazy high winds over 80 miles per…

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Seven Reasons Why you Should Work with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst

By Michael Bean, CDFA Finds the Money A CDFA helps you gather, track and analyze all financial data, including every aspect of eachtype of retirement plan. A CDFA helps find hidden or “forgotten” marital assets. Crafts Property Division Scenarios A CDFA works with you to craft a variety of financial scenarios to demonstrate the short andlong-term consequences of property division. A CDFA utilizes…

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What Happens to the Family Dog in a Divorce?

Who keeps the family dog? More and more, pet custody is becoming a contested issue in divorce cases. Join this discussion with pet custody specialist Karis Nafte who presents the key issues when looking at pet custody. She explains the different factors that should be looked at, the dog’s perspective, and provides key tips on…

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Real Estate Appraisals in the Current Real Estate Market

Wondering if a house is maintaining value in our current market? How can you get an appraisal with our up and down real estate values? Join real estate appraisers, and Amicable Divorce Network Members, Mike Congemi & Cynthia Milner. This discussion details how appraisers are producing reliable values in today’s market, how this compares with…

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Why you should NEVER DIY your Divorce

The success of a DIY divorce largely depends on the complexity of the case, the ability of the couple to work together and communicate effectively, and the accuracy of the information and documentation provided. Couples who have simple divorce with no assets or minor children are more likely to successfully use a DIY divorce solution…

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Do you need an attorney or a mediator?

Many couples want to work things out but get confused on whether they need an attorney or a mediator. Join this Amicable Divorce Discussion with Amicable Divorce Network member, Sheri Lake, as she explains the difference. Sheri can be contacted at

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How to Prepare for Divorce

Preparing for a divorce can be overwhelming, but it’s important to be proactive and take steps to protect yourself. Here are some things to consider: 1. **Consult a divorce attorney.** A divorce attorney can help you understand the legal process, your rights, and what to expect during a divorce. They can also advise you on…

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When is it time to try marriage counseling?

Couples may consider marriage counseling when they are experiencing difficulties in their relationship that they cannot resolve on their own. Here are some signs that a couple may benefit from marriage counseling: Communication problems: Communication breakdowns can be a common issue in relationships. If you and your partner find yourselves arguing often, unable to communicate…

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